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- 1361Jumlah Pelajar
- 89Jumlah Sesi
- Mar 22, 2016Aktif Sejak
- Everett, United StatesLokasi
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647152959RavenManyVoicesintroandservices_mp4 from Learn It Live on Vimeo.
Raven Many Voices is a well known and gifted spiritual counselor, intuitive, medium and teacher. She has been providing spiritual guidance to people seeking wisdom for over 20 years. Her ability to access the many traditions and spiritual realms lead her to become a Voice for Spirit - incorporating healing modalities from around the world into an easy and assessable format for those exploring spiritual healing, spirit guides and soul communication. She is highly attuned to both the Ascended Masters/Angelic Realms as well as the Ancestors/Earth Spirits in the service of healing ourselves, our...
647152959RavenManyVoicesintroandservices_mp4 from Learn It Live on Vimeo.